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Program into the exposure and inherent truths of coding: Chelsea Thompto

  To begin with the artist's talk, the guest is Chelsea Thompto who is hosting the lecture. She is a  transdisciplinary artist and educator working at the intersections of art, trans studies, and technology. Thompto e ngages with a variety of media including video, computer code, digital fabrication, writing, photography, printmaking, and bookbinding. Landmarks, 2021 (Ongoing) Thompto's recent and ongoing work, " Landmarks" is a computer coding in the making progress of experimenting and exploration of the ways artificial intelligence. The specific focus is the failure of facial recognition from trans individual's bodies and identity in making the likelihood harder for access to technology and daily life with it. To connect at the time lecture in class about gays rights and genders talks about the norm of what is like making the piece that reflect the question to the viewer. My viewpoint on her work is fascinating of how technology fails to register or allow trans...

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